Social Intelligence: Working out Networking

Işıl Taysever

Our era is the “network era" where we do more than one work at the same time, where we communicate with more than one person at the same time. Knowing “who” is as valuable as know-how. Managing our relations is a part of our daily social and professional agenda.  Effectively navigating our social network can lead to positive outcomes, such as collaborations and opportunities for ourselves and the people in our network.

It is now the part of our work life to manage who knows us. Who remembers us, where and what are they talking about ourselves, our company, our products and/or services?.. We are looking for new ways to contact more people who can contribute to our careers. We use tools to increase the number of people we can reach and the number of people who can reach us. Our goal is to build an efficient network that includes customers, competitors, collaborators, solution partners, and many other roles.

The Networking training program aims to equip participants with strategies, methods, and skills for this essential skill of our era. The program teaches the do's and don'ts of networking through practical simulations.